• Purchase items for use on personally-owned machines.
  • Purchase items for your unit or for use on University-owned machines.

About Us | University of Illinois Webstore

About WebStore

Since its launch in September 2001, WebStore has become the primary software distribution source for the University of Illinois. In 2008, campus software distribution Web sites for the Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield campuses consolidated into one – University of Illinois WebStore – making University site- and volume-license discounted software products available to faculty, staff, and students on all three campuses.

Offering over 350 software titles for purchase or download, WebStore strives to provide the software you need at the lowest possible price. To do this, we negotiate the best prices on site-licensed software and volume purchase contracts and assist in negotiations for departmental licenses and resource-sharing purchases by groups.

In addition to software, WebStore also offers training to improve technology skills and knowledge. Special events with experts from software manufacturers along with learning options (both instructor led and online) offer students opportunities for training that fit their schedule and budget.

Personal vs. Unit Purchase

Personal Purchase software is for personally-owned machines, not University-owned machines. Training offers listed in the Personal Purchase store are for individuals registering for courses that will not be paid for by Univesity funds. All purchases in the Personal Purchase store require a valid credit card for items that are not free.

Unit Purchase software is for University-owned machines. Training offers listed in the Unit Purchase store are for individuals registering for courses that will be paid for by University funds. All purchases in the Unit Purchase store require a Banner Account Number for items that are not free.

It's important to note, some Unit Purchase licenses do allow a second installation on a personal machine.

How to Shop

WebStore is a secure Web site with 24/7 availability, and most software products can be downloaded immediately to your machine.

To shop:

  1. First, choose the Purchase Type you intend to make: Unit Purchase or Personal Purchase. To select the Purchase Type, use the "Personal Purchase" and "Unit Purchase" buttons at the top of the page.
    • Unit Purchase software and training courses are paid for by University funds and require a Banner Account Number for items that are not free. Unit Purchased software products are for installation on University-owned machines.
    • Personal Purchase software and training courses are NOT paid for by University funds and require a valid personal credit card for items that are not free. Personal Purchase software products are for installation on personally-owned machines.
  2. Next, find products, using one of the following methods:
    • Browse all product offers, by clicking the "Browse All" button near the top of the page.
    • Enter a specific product name in the Product Search box near the top of the page to search for a particular item.
    • Browse by category, by selecting a category from the list in the page footer.
    • Select a Featured Product group by selecting one of the featured product icons.
    Note: When you add an item to your cart, the cart is then locked and will only accept items of the selected Purchase Type - Unit or Personal. Unit and Personal purchases cannot be made concurrently using the same shopping cart due to the required different methods of payment.